Malta Holiday Diary
June 22nd 2022
After another sleepless night for both of us, tortured by the mosquitoes and me by ants as well, we stayed in the
room, trying to do something to feel better. I was feeling sick, worse than the previous day. We tried again the
portable air conditioning, hoping that will improve the atmosphere in the room. But the hope was in vain!
At lunch time we went for something to eat, again hoping that going out and eating will make us feel better. It did, a
bit. But today was hotter, the temperatures going over 36 degrees.
Because of the lack of sleep and because of feeling sick (I really don't know why we did, probably because of the
old portable air conditioning, or because of the toxic liquid against the mosquitoes, that didn't do anything against
them...), we didn't feel like going out for a walk or doing something else. Than we received bad news from home
and we spent a lot of time making and receiving phone calls. We ended up not going to the Golden Beach either.
We did have some joy going up on the roof and having some time relaxing in the pool that is there. I forgot to
mention it, but it is the only thing that we really enjoyed at our location, this pool on the roof. Here we met an
Estonian family: mother, father and 2 children: a boy and a girl. Very nice family and the children were very sweet.
We had a nice chat in English with them. They all spoke good English, even the children. I think that these are the
only pleasant moments that we will remember from Malta.
Back to our room we tried to cool the air but without success....
June 23rd 2022
After another unpleasant night, early and without asking me, Simon was on the computer, trying to find options of
changing the flight tickets or to cancel those we had and buy other for today! He knew very well that I will agree!
When he saw that I am awake (he was thinking that I am asleep, when I was just lying there, tortured!) he turned to
me and asked: “How much would you pay to go home today?” I replied: “Anything!” and we both started to laugh,
realising we were thinking the same. Then he told me he found some tickets at 7 in the evening from Malta to
London Stansted, via Bratislava, if that's OK with me. Of course I said YES!
This made me perk up a bit.
After buying the tickets, Simon phoned our host to let them know that we are leaving today, Thursday, instead of
Sunday. And, something that didn't arouse our surprise after our recent experiences with the Maltese people,
guess what: they didn't ask why or try to make us change our minds or apologise. Nothing, just that they are so kind
and they will not charge us for the portable air conditioning! How kind of them!!!
We went to eat at the Chinese restaurant at lunch time, which seemed to make us feel a bit better, but the moment
we came back to our room we started to feel again sick. We packed and left for the airport. Even though it is as far
as 13 miles, it takes about 50-60 minutes to get there. Such is the traffic!
And we had to return the rented car as well.
Everything went well: the journey to the airport, returning the car, going through the controls at the airport. As if we
took the very right decision! Simon was really impressed with the way they were dealing with the security controls.
He even made a comment: they could teach the British people from the British airports how to do things right, to
be better for the traffic in the airports. Especially at Stansted Airport, where it is really a nightmare to go through
passport controls. I noticed a lot of people taking pictures of the crowded place and how the staff there treat us
and I am sure they posted these pictures on internet, as I am sure that those who run the airport know very well the
situation, but of course they don't do anything about it. I assume it would cost …
The journey was good, pleasant and without any incidents. The people on the plane behaved very well.
I visited Prague in 1984 for the first time and I was really impressed. And Bratislava in 1988. Even today I think that
the Czech and Slovak people are very civilised and it proved again that I am right.
The seat near me was occupied by a girl from Ukraine. She was a refugee, that went to Poland first, then to
Slovakia and now she was coming to England. Her parents and other relatives still lived in Ukraine, somewhere
near Kiev. She spoke well English, she was very polite and very respectful with everybody. She impressed us.
Unfortunately, both Simon and I felt finished, without any strength left, just to be able to get home and I didn't have
the power to have a conversation with the girl, even though I felt she wanted, she tried. Probably I should have
tried … but I couldn't.
But soon we will be at home!!!

Maltese well kept buildings
<< Malta Holiday Diary 1
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